
Conserving Energy at Your Place of Worship

The Basics Of Solar Panel Conversion In Cloudy Climates

When thinking about solar power, most people think that they need to live in an area that gets full sun all the time. The truth is, you can still benefit from the installation of solar panels even if you live in an area that's more cloudy than not. If you live in an area that's prone to cloud cover, here's what you need to know about having success with a solar panel conversion.

Cloud Cover Doesn't Block All Sunlight

Obviously, the most powerful of the sun's rays that your solar panels will absorb are the direct rays, which are from when the sun shines straight on the panels. However, your solar panels will also absorb diffused light. That means that even sun rays that have filtered through clouds and been scattered will still be absorbed by the solar panels. In addition, your panels will also absorb reflected rays. That means that any sunlight bouncing off nearby rooftops or other objects is still usable as well.

The downside is that diffused sunlight will produce less electricity than direct light would. That just means that you may only get a fraction of the electricity that you would get from direct light. You can overcome this by installing more panels to counteract the weaker electricity production.

Evaluate Your Production Annually For A Clearer Picture

The total electricity output over the year will give you a much better picture of your overall production than you'd get if you looked at it even monthly. Remember that the cloudiest weather will come and go, so by averaging it over the year, you'll be able to determine if you have enough power production or not.

In addition, you can install a large battery bank to store energy on the days when the sun's rays are at their best. That way, when you have days that are overcast or dark, you'll still have power to draw on without having to use the energy grid.

Cloudy Weather Can Sometimes Improve Power Production

One of the things to keep in mind when you're considering solar panels is the fact that they are semiconductors. That means that they will function more efficiently in moderate temperatures than they will in excessive heat. So sometimes being in a cloudier environment will net you more power production than being in an area that's clear and sunny but overwhelmingly hot. Your solar panel technician will help you determine if you are in an area for optimal production or if you need to add a few extra panels to meet your needs.

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Conserving Energy at Your Place of Worship

Are you a busy pastor of a place of worship? Perhaps, you and your congregation are concerned about the environment. You might desperately desire to start conserving energy at your church as soon as possible. Consider turning the lights and heating and air conditioner system at your place of worship off when no one is present. You might also want to think about using candles at some of your church services instead of electricity. Besides helping you conserve energy, candlelight creates a wonderful ambiance for church services. On this blog, I hope you will discover additional, creative ways to conserve energy at your place of worship. Enjoy!